Binance Hack - Millions of Dollars Stolen in 2019


In May 2019, Binance, one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges, experienced a significant security breach resulting in the loss of millions of dollars. The attack was executed by unknown hackers who managed to bypass Binance’s security measures and gain access to user API keys, 2FA codes, and other sensitive information. With this access, the attackers were able to withdraw approximately 7,000 BTC from the exchange’s hot wallet.


The attackers employed various techniques to carry out the hack, including phishing attacks and viruses. They created a large number of fake websites and phishing emails to trick users into revealing their login credentials. Additionally, they infected users’ computers with malware, allowing them to bypass 2FA authentication and gain control over their accounts.


The total amount of losses resulting from the Binance hack was approximately millions of dollars. The stolen funds amounted to approximately 7,000 BTC, which were withdrawn from Binance’s hot wallet.


  • May 7, 2019: Binance experiences a security breach.
  • May 7-8, 2019: Hackers gain access to user API keys, 2FA codes, and other sensitive information.
  • May 8, 2019: Attackers withdraw approximately 7,000 BTC from Binance’s hot wallet.
  • May 8, 2019: Binance halts all withdrawals and deposits, initiating a security audit.
  • Ongoing: Binance collaborates with cybersecurity firms, law enforcement agencies, and blockchain analysis companies to investigate the attack and track the stolen funds.

Security Failure Causes

The Binance hack can be attributed to several security failure causes:

  • Phishing attacks and fake websites: The attackers utilized phishing techniques, creating deceptive websites and emails to trick users into providing their login credentials.
  • Malware infection: The hackers infected users’ computers with malware, allowing them to bypass 2FA authentication and gain control over user accounts.
  • Vulnerabilities in Binance’s security measures: The attackers managed to bypass Binance’s security measures and gain access to user API keys and other sensitive information.
  • Lack of user awareness: Users falling victim to phishing attacks and not implementing proper security measures, such as enabling 2FA, contributed to the success of the hack.

The Binance hack served as a reminder of the importance of robust security practices and user vigilance in the cryptocurrency industry.